What is a funk?
Well, there are lots of definitions but the one in particular I’m talking about is depression, feeling sad, or just not feeling like yourself.
There are so many different reasons behind this feeling; it may be medical while others may be experiencing this because you are only human and something is happening or did happen.
The first step is to talk to someone, especially a mental health provider. There are so many numbers to call for different reasons that are available 24/7 to talk to and usually for free!
Mental health is an important aspect of life that has been shammed to talk about in the past but nowadays it’s more than ever to talk about.
Turns out I’ve been in a weird funk for a couple of years now. During COVID some of the procedures changed in the world that made it more comfortable to be at home including making it easier to have less social interactions. When there were interactions it just didn’t feel as sincere as one would hope for with the selection of a handful of people. Between everything and loving being with my family versus trying and not succeeding as one would hope, well it sent me into that weird funk where things changed.
It wasn’t a bad change at all because it changed my priorities to focus more on staying at home with my loved ones than attempting to keep trying expecting a different outcome.
This brand is a part of me that grows and sometimes with growth comes moments that affect everything and are out of our control. Sometimes that growth may be a step backward to become two forwards. Only time will tell.
The important thing is to recognize if something feels off or something isn’t right. This way talking with someone can lead you to discover a solution whether it’s medical or emotional and get you back on the right track. It’s amazing the help that is available, especially since it’s free.
The hard part is to take that step to reach out to them and to talk it out.
There is so much life has to offer, don’t let a funk ruin it.
If it’s a medical or financial reason behind the funk please reach out to local organizations for help!
Search & save your local Mental Health Hotline to your contacts today just in case, please!
Sincerely with Love,
Kimberly Inge